Saturday, August 28, 2010

First week of classes

The first week of classes has come and gone.  This semester I'm taking the following:

MSE 2001
ISyE 3770 (Statistics)
HTS 2084 (my ethics requirement)
FREN 2001

To be honest, I was most worried about my French class because I didn't know how advanced some of the other people in the class would be.  I was SO nervous before the first class, but I think I'll be okay.  Some people took AP French in high school and have kept up with it some, so they are significantly better.  Nevertheless, if I keep up with the class like I have been so far I think I'll be just fine.  My other classes should be okay too.  MSE 2001 is a little weird because it is a distance learning class.  It was originally supposed to be a recorded class and not a live one, but on the first day of classes Josyanne (the academic director) told us that it would be a live class and we would have to report at 3 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  The two of us in the class that were at the meeting were severely disappointed and frankly pissed the fuck off because one of the perks of coming to GT Lorraine is that you get 3 day weekends every weekend and having class on a Friday afternoon defeats that.  Josyanne told us to email the professor and ask if the class could be a recorded one again since we need it to graduate and it conflicted with another one of my classes anyways.  He emailed back later that day and said that it should be fine to make it a recorded class.  I don't know if it will work well or not...he's been kind of weird and standoffish and borderline rude about some of my questions...we shall see.

I'm continuing to make some awesome friends.  I really like the hall where I live.  There are 8 GT students all grouped together on my hall and we keep our doors open and chat all the time (reminds me of freshman year).  Most, if not all of us are upperclassmen too which I think brings us closer too because we all know what it's like to be beaten down by Tech for a few years.  We also know how to work hard and play hard, which is the secret to success at Tech.

This weekend is the Mirabelle Festival and its been a lot of fun.  Pics and a blog entry will be dedicated to this later.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekend #1: Brussels and Bruges

This past weekend I traveled with 8 other GTL-ers to Brussels and Bruges in Belgium.  I packed most of my stuff the night before because I knew we would have to be up at the butt-crack of dawn the next day.  I packed my smaller backpack, but I think on my next weekend trip I will probably take the larger one just so I have plenty of room for everything.  I was definitely stuffing my Northface to its breaking point on the return trip.

We caught an early train out of Metz to Luxembourg and then caught another train to Brussels-Midi, but we ended up getting off early at the Brussels-Centrale stop because more of the things we wanted to do were closer to that station.  Once we were off the train, we spent awhile getting oriented before making it to the Comic Strip Museum.  We were dying of hunger and thirst by then, so we ate at the restaurant there.  I had a "gaufre sucre" (waffle with sugar).  It was decent, but not the best food I've had so far.  After that we ran into the other half of the group that traveled to Brussels and visited the cathedral together.  James, Ethan, and I decided that we wanted to find Delirium, a bar that was highly suggested by others.  We hadn't been able to locate it all day, but Ethan and I wandered off into an indoor shopping area and stumbled upon some cool alleys and eventually randomly found Delirium.  So, we hurried back and brought James and we all settled down for 3 rounds of beer.  The bar was underground, so it was nice and dark and cool down there and the 3 of us had a good time just chilling out for a few hours.  After that we wandered around Brussels some more and ended up in the park in front of the cathedral and laid down for a sunbath.  James and I dozed off for a bit, haha.  After visiting another park, we were starting to get hungry and we decided to try Belgium's famous fries.  They were good, but nothing mind-blowing.  The fries came in a paper cone and you could choose a sauce (ketchup and mayo seemed to be the most popular).  They also gave you a tiny plastic fork to eat the fries from the cone while you were walking.  It was basically a to-go cup for fries.  Before heading back to the train station, we bought some famous Belgian chocolate so we could say that we had tried all the famous foods and drinks (aka beer).

The next train we caught was to Bruges, a romantic medieval little town near the coast.  The train ride to Bruges was fairly entertaining mostly due to the insane man that was sitting across the aisle from our group.  Unfortunately, Ethan had to sit across from him for at least 30-45 minutes of the journey.  This man would mumble to the air while making violent hand gestures and then he would slump forward and fall asleep and then wake up and take a swig from his soda and start the process all over again.  He didn't seem to be very threatening, so I wasn't worried...just amused.

Once we were in Bruges, we used our Use-it map to navigate to the hostel, Charlie Rockets.  Our hostel used to be a movie theater, but now it is a bar with a hostel above.  It was an interesting place and definitely not one of the shittier hostels.  It was a little sketchy because I was in a room with some random people, but nothing bad happened.  I stayed at the hostel and had a drink or two with some of the guys before taking a shower and heading to bed.  Sleeping was hard that night because people in our room would come in at all hours and the room got very hot during the night so I would wake up periodically.

James, Ethan, and I started the next day by climbing the 366 steps to the top of the Bellfry.  There was a great panorama (as they say here) from the top and definitely worth the effort of the climb.  Once we were back on the ground, we sat and listened to a large band rehearse in the middle of Markt Square and they played one of my favorite Mika songs, "Grace Kelly."  We walked over to a canal and saw the lace map of Bruges (lace is famous here and sold in many shops for way too much money).  The canal was very pretty, but filled with boats of tourists.  We checked out the Gruuthuse and the neighboring Church of Our Lady, which housed Michelangelo's "Madonna with child" before getting some lunch.  I had a kid's spaghetti with bolognese sauce and I couldn't finish it because it was so much food.  Nevertheless, we stopped by an ice cream shop shortly after lunch and had some of the best ice cream I've ever had in my life!  We found a cool park to chill out in and the boys had a lot of fun on this spinning merry-go-round type of playground equipment.  Since it was still early in the afternoon, we decided to rent bicycles and try to bike out to the beach to chill out.  We biked for an hour and a half and never saw the ocean, so we had to turn around so we wouldn't be late to turn in our bikes.  I had a lot of fun doing this, but my ass is still sore from the bike seat.  We had dinner at Nicky's Bed & Breakfast.  Soup, salad, and a main dish for 9.35!  It was a good deal for dinner and very good/satisfying.  We visited an underground bar later that night and had a few drinks before hitting up the Irish pub.  We made our way back to the hostel, I showered and went to bed.  I slept really well that night :)

The next morning we checked out the exhibit underneath the Crowne Plaza hotel.  The foundations of Sint-Donaas church are built in with the foundations of the hotel and there is an entire exhibit in the basement dedicated to the excavation of this church.  Our map suggested a game of hide and seek be played in the ruins, haha!  We walked around some more before grabbing some awesome crepes and ice cream yet again. We checked out a few more parks and some other smaller sights from our Use-it map before heading to the train station to catch our train to Brussels-Nord.  We made it back to Metz without any troubles and took a taxi back to Lafayette because the buses weren't running anymore.

Click here for pictures from this trip!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

GTL Facilities

Today I accidently slept in until 1 PM (guess I can blame that on the jetlag, right?).  I used most of the afternoon to unpack and then I headed over to the GTL Administration offices to introduce myself and to pick up the towels and textbook that some awesome friends (Justin and Morgan) left me.  Thanks guys!  The administration ladies were about to leave, though, even though they said we could come in until 5:30 PM (it was only 4:30 PM).  Apparently this is typical of French people?  So, I have to go back tomorrow to pick up my key to the building and get some information about the semester.

After the trip to GTL, I met up with some people that just got to Lafayette today and we all went to Cora to get groceries and have dinner.  Cora was very similar to Walmart and I bought things I needed around the apartment mostly.  I did get a litre of Orangina Light, but I'm going to buy my food at the closer (and supposedly cheaper) Simply Market.  After dinner a bunch of us chatted in the hallway for awhile.  I'm really excited about making new friends and new memories here!

Here are some pics of my apartment and GTL:

Face of GTL main building
Residence Lafayette (my apartment building)
BRIGHT red hallway leading to my room
Kitchen area
Table and Stools
My door and room number (for my stalkers)
Left side of closet
Right side of closet
Shelves and dresser
Bed and Shelves
View from my window
More tomorrow, maybe...


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

GTL Arrival!

After almost 24 hours of travel by plane, train, and taxi, I finally made it here to the Lafayette apartment complex.  My lodgings for the semester are a lot nicer than I was expecting.  I'll take some pictures once I have everything unpacked and looking nice.  I was expecting to have to share a bathroom with someone, but I have my own!  Also, some nice person left a few hangers for me.  I might buy some more at the local "hypermarche", Cora (basically the French Super Walmart, but bigger and better).

The only bad parts of my trip here were that my favorite GT duffel bag broke when I disembarked at JFK and that I couldn't get my phone card to work at Brussels-Midi train station because I didn't have Belgium's country code.  I think I did a better job navigating myself through Belgium and France than I expected.  I freaked out and stressed a little on the inside today, but nothing major.  I got to all my destinations on time and sometimes even early.  I think I'll be even more relaxed next time I'm navigating through train routes and I feel a lot more confident about what to do at a foreign train station.

Once I got to Lafayette, the building manager checked me in and showed me to my new room/apartment.  I ran into a bunch of GTL-ers while waiting for the building manager to finish his phone call.  One of the girls, Kayla, invited me to dinner with everyone else.  We went to a crepe restaurant in downtown Metz and I got to meet pretty much everyone that is here so far.  Everyone seems really chill and funny and I know that everyone is going to get along really well.  We all walked around downtown Metz at night and accidently stayed out too late for the bus to take us home, so we walked all the way back.  Not what I was expecting when I put on my new shoes to wear to dinner tonight, haha.  Here are some pictures from tonight's walk:

Getting off the U-line in downtown Metz for dinner

Cathedral in downtown Metz (Construction is being done on the steeple right now)

Centre Pompidou at night
It is definitely time for bed.  I think I've had less than 5 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours.  Pics tomorrow of the apartment, hopefully!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Packing, Cleaning, and Stress!

Right now I'm taking a break from my packing and cleaning routine.  I've been at it pretty much all day, ahhh!  I consider myself a pretty awesome packer from years of trips with the Charlotte Children's Choir, but I have never had to pack for a period of time this long (4 months!).  I'm sure I'm going to forget something or pack too much of one thing or too little of another.  I plan on checking 2 bags, a large suitcase and a backpacking backpack, and taking a small duffel as my carry-on.  That way I can pull the suitcase, carry the backpack on my back, and put the duffel across my body and shoulders when walking within airports and train stations.

I'm a little nervous about getting to the right train and making it all the way to Metz.  I also thought I would be able to make it to the check-in office on campus before it closed on Wednesday, but upon second glance it looks like I might have to get a hotel room.  That's fine, I guess, but I would rather not spend the money.  I land in Brussels around 9:30 AM and then have to take a train from the airport to the main train station where I can take a train to Metz.  The issue is that the train from Brussels to Metz only runs 3 times per day (7AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM).  So I will have to catch the 1 PM train, which puts me in Metz right before 5 PM.  I then have to take a taxi to campus, which should only take a few minutes, but I'm not exactly sure how long.  The housing check-in office closes at 5:30 PM.  So, I'm definitely cutting it close....we shall see what happens.  Adventure!

Metz is tucked into the Northeast corner of France.  Here are some pics of exactly where I'm going:

Metz, France - GTL is located in the Technopole Metz 2000 


That's all for tonight.  More packing and cleaning to do!!!  I depart from Charlotte Douglas at 11:51 AM on Tueday and have a connection at JFK that leaves at 7:15 PM.  Hopefully my bad luck with missing connecting flights doesn't strike!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last ATL road trip :(

This weekend was my last time in Atlanta until December!  So depressing!  I'm going to miss so many people, but I know I will make lots of new friends this semester...hopefully :)  I had a great weekend catching up with friends and saying my goodbyes.  There will be lots of Skype dates throughout the semester, I'm sure.  Here are some pics from the weekend:
Keaton and me at Bone Garden Cantina

Katherine and me at Unplugged in the Park

Rugby girls at Ru Sans

I'm getting a bit stressed/nervous about everything I need to finish before I leave the country a week from today! Ahhhhh!  I'm afraid I'm forgetting something big and the authorities won't let me leave the US and I'll be screwed.  I've been really organized this summer and have tried to get everything finished early (like my visa).  The GTL advisor, Catherine Bass, told me that I was the first person to go and get mine.  Woo, over-achieving! I'm also a little worried about having enough money for the semester.  I waitressed all summer, babysat almost every week, and house-sat at least twice a month.  I've saved up a lot, but I still need to make some purchases before I actually get out of the US (like my textbooks, my extra checked luggage, and a new comfortable pair of shoes).  I will make it work.  I always do, somehow!

It's really late and I need to be up kinda early to babysit, but I just wanted to get this blog going before I leave.

So excited!!!
