Sunday, August 15, 2010

Packing, Cleaning, and Stress!

Right now I'm taking a break from my packing and cleaning routine.  I've been at it pretty much all day, ahhh!  I consider myself a pretty awesome packer from years of trips with the Charlotte Children's Choir, but I have never had to pack for a period of time this long (4 months!).  I'm sure I'm going to forget something or pack too much of one thing or too little of another.  I plan on checking 2 bags, a large suitcase and a backpacking backpack, and taking a small duffel as my carry-on.  That way I can pull the suitcase, carry the backpack on my back, and put the duffel across my body and shoulders when walking within airports and train stations.

I'm a little nervous about getting to the right train and making it all the way to Metz.  I also thought I would be able to make it to the check-in office on campus before it closed on Wednesday, but upon second glance it looks like I might have to get a hotel room.  That's fine, I guess, but I would rather not spend the money.  I land in Brussels around 9:30 AM and then have to take a train from the airport to the main train station where I can take a train to Metz.  The issue is that the train from Brussels to Metz only runs 3 times per day (7AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM).  So I will have to catch the 1 PM train, which puts me in Metz right before 5 PM.  I then have to take a taxi to campus, which should only take a few minutes, but I'm not exactly sure how long.  The housing check-in office closes at 5:30 PM.  So, I'm definitely cutting it close....we shall see what happens.  Adventure!

Metz is tucked into the Northeast corner of France.  Here are some pics of exactly where I'm going:

Metz, France - GTL is located in the Technopole Metz 2000 


That's all for tonight.  More packing and cleaning to do!!!  I depart from Charlotte Douglas at 11:51 AM on Tueday and have a connection at JFK that leaves at 7:15 PM.  Hopefully my bad luck with missing connecting flights doesn't strike!



nancy said...

Good luck on your travels, have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading your blog! Nancy Smith (Josh's mom)

Julie said...

Thank you!