Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend #2: Les Fetes de la Mirabelle

I'm a little behind on blog posts (my apologies).

2 weekends ago (August 27th-29th) was the Mirabelle Festival in Metz.  The festival celebrates the mirabelle which is a small plum/grape-like fruit.  One of the professors here brought some mirabelles in for us to try.  They reminded me of muscadines because of the pit, but they were more grape-like in texture.

I had French class until 8 PM on Friday, so I was a bit later getting downtown for the beginning of the festival.  We ran into most of the other GTL students in Place St. Jacques (the main square in downtown Metz where many a beer is had).  All of them had crazy clothes on and they took us to a tent near the cathedral to partake in the crazy clothing extravaganza.  Basically, you could buy a toke for 2 euro and "shop" in the tent of used clothing.  The point was to create the most ridiculous outfit that you could come up with and then the attendants would take a picture so you could be included in the competition for the best dressed.  I came out looking kind of like Janis Joplin.  The boys kept joking about me having illegal drugs in the folds of my many skirts and dresses.  It was GREAT fun and probably a great way to fundraise (which I assume was what was going on).  It would be a great idea for a Pride or OPA event next semester!  Here are some of the costumes:

After our shopping spree, we danced to the music of some bands in the same square before heading to a bar.  We went to Comedie Club and did a shot and had a beer or two.  Afterwards, we decided that we wanted to find a club (or discotheque) so we could go dancing.  We ventured out again and ended up running into our dorm manager, Benoit.  We asked him if he knew of a club we could go to and he said he did and offered to pay for our taxis to get there.  Benoit and his friends got in the taxis with us and we made our way to La Rouge.  There were about 8-10 of us (2 girls and 6-8 boys) plus Benoit and his two friends.  We made it to the club and Benoit bribed the bouncer to let us in without paying cover.  We had a lot of fun dancing on the main dance floor for an hour or two despite a few awkward instances when Benoit danced with me.  Benoit led us off the dance floor after awhile and we thought we were leaving, but we were actually going to the VIP lounge.  He bribed the second bouncer and we went upstairs to the much smaller VIP dance floor.  We danced for several more hours and both Benoit and his friend, Hugo, danced with me and Siri several times.  I was still having fun, but it just seemed like a strange situation since I have to pay my rent to Benoit.  I guess it could be considered a conflict of interest....oh well.  I had fun and so did everyone else despite those weird moments.  We got home around 5 or 6 in the morning...crazy night.

The next day I slept in for a long time to catch up on the lack of sleep from the night before.  After I woke up, I went downtown with some people and had a kebab and a beer in Place St. Jacques.  We wanted to make it to the Celtic concert and fireworks display, so we hoofed it over to the field near the Centre Pompidou.  There was a bagpipe choir already playing on one of the smaller stages and we watched them for a little while before the real concert began.  A famous musician played the penny whistle with a band and I really enjoyed listening to it...reminded of my Celtic Women CD (ha, embarrassing).  Once the concert finished up, the fireworks show started.  It was probably in the top 5 best fireworks shows I've ever seen.  There were crazy fireworks that looked exactly like a flame and a sheet of fireworks that burned for several minutes.  I loved it! Right before and right after the fireworks show, some of the spectators broke out into some Celtic dances.  Siri, Guillaume (one of the French graduate students that we've befriended), and I joined one of the dances and acted like we knew what we were supposed to be doing.

Sunday was dedicated to a market and the parade, which featured the 2010 Mirabelle Queen.  The parade was only okay to me because it seemed poorly organized and only featured bagpipes and floats.  I liked bagpipes a lot, but I think I've had my bagpipe fix for awhile.

Click here to see pictures from this weekend.


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