Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend #3: Nice, Monte Carlo, and St. Paul de Vence

I have a feeling this post will be kind of long, so I'm going to break it up into pieces according to the day of travel.

Thursday - Friday (September 2nd - 3rd)

A few of us traveling have French class until 8 PM on Thursday nights, which doesn't work out well because the buses stop going downtown after a certain time.  Our French professor was nice enough to let us out half an hour early and she drove the 3 girls in the class to the train station.  We took a couchette (sleeping compartment with 6 beds) from Metz to Nice.  We left Metz around 8 PM and arrived in Nice around 8 AM.  The beds are fine to sleep on, but it's hard not to think about all the germs that are in the couchettes.  We stayed up pretty late chatting with everyone in our couchette plus a few others.  The space is pretty small, but we made it work and had some real bonding time.

Once we arrived in Nice, we immediately found our hostel because we could store our luggage there.  After leaving our luggage, a few of us set out to find the beach.  We were happy to find that the beach was really close to our hostel.  After seeing a few topless women, we ventured over to the fruit and flower market.  Later on we found Le Chateau Hill and climbed to the top.  There were amazing views and  A LOT of stairs.  Unfortunately, my camera started malfunctioning at the top and I didn't get any pictures (later on I accidentally dropped my camera on the floor and it started working again, haha).  There was an awesome playground and a pretty waterfall at the top of the hill.  My mom would have loved the climb and views from there.

After all that climbing and sweating, we all decided to go back and change into our bathing suits and hit the beach.  We immediately picked an area on the (rock) beach and struggled down to the water (the rocks really hurt your bare feet).  The water was pretty cool, but not uncomfortably so.  It was also very clean and pretty easy to see down to the bottom.  The boys had a lot of fun swimming out to the buoys because there was little to no riptide.

After showers, we went to dinner at an Italian place very close to our hostel.  I had an amazing pizza that I couldn't finish.  It is almost considered rude to not finish your plate at restaurants in Europe, so the rest of the table helped me out.  We decided we wanted to go back to Le Chateau Hill to see Nice at night and ran into the other group from GTL that was in Nice that weekend as well.  They joined us on our walk back to the beach.  Amanda, a BME/ME from Duke, and I walked much farther ahead of the group in order to update each other on the activities and drama from the day.  Le Chateau Hill ended up being closed, so we settled for sitting on the beach and chatting.  A lot of young locals and tourists were chilling on the beach too, so we felt like we were getting the true Nice experience.  We headed back early-ish because a lot of us were going scuba diving early the next morning.

Saturday (September 4th)

11 of us woke up early and made our way to the docks.  We had trouble finding the scuba diving company and were worried because the hostel front desk told us that the boats left at 9 AM sharp and they would leave us if we were late.  I think it was a few minutes after 9 when we found the scuba shop and saw the scuba divers unlocking the door.  I guess they aren't as punctual as the hostel thought.  We got suited up in our wet suits and set out into the ocean on a pontoon-like boat.  Our boat docked pretty close to the shore near a private swimming area (where there were at least 5 fully naked men sunbathing).  The French scuba system allows beginner scuba divers to dive while tethered to an instructor.  There were only 3 or 4 instructors, though, so we had to take turns diving. I got to go down near the end of the morning.  My instructor was really nice and made me feel very comfortable.  He made me practice breathing with the air mouthpiece on while just floating on my stomach, which was a great way to get used to breathing only through the mouthpiece.  It is a very strange feeling to only be able to breathe through the mouthpiece.  Once he felt like I was ready to go down, he deflated my life jacket and we started to sink into the water.  I started to breathe through the mouthpiece, but kind of hyperventilated a bit and had to put my mouth above the surface for a second to calm down.  I stopped freaking out and went down with my instructor.  We saw lots of coral, interesting fish, and other scuba divers.  Scuba diving was an amazing experience and I would definitely suggest it to anyone brave enough!

After a long morning, we grabbed some lunch at a restaurant near our hostel and made plans to go to Monte Carlo, Monaco for the afternoon and early evening.  We caught a train (3 euros each way without a EurRail pass) to Monte Carlo which only took a half hour.  It was pretty simple to find the Monte Carlo casino and we spent at least 45 minutes taking pictures of crazy expensive cars.  Some of the boys wanted to go in the casino, but I went exploring with the other half of or group.  We walked to the other side of the port and climbed up the mountain/hill overlooking the city.  I have some amazing pictures from the fort/castle and surrounding areas up there.  By the time we climbed down, it was time to grab our train back to Nice.  We got into Nice just in time to catch a fireworks show and festival at the port.  The fireworks in Nice were not as good as the ones in Metz, but still enjoyable.  We met up with the others from GTL and tried to find a discotheque, but failed and went to bed instead.

Sunday (September 5th)

Sunday was museum and art day.  We visited the Marc Chagall museum and the modern art museum.  I really enjoyed the modern museum and I can't wait to visit the Centre Pompidou here in Metz with my LCC class.  I really enjoyed Niki de Saint Phalle's works.  There is a sculpture of hers at the train station in Metz.  My camera died before we got out onto the roof of the modern art museum, but there are some great views of Nice from there.  After a quick lunch, we hopped on a bus to St. Paul de Vence (an hour away from Nice) to see the artist commune.  The little shopping and art gallery area reminded me of Diagon Alley from Harry Potter, but I don't have any pictures to illustrate that.

We had to catch our couchette back to Metz around 8 PM that night and by that time my allergies were crazy horrible and I took a Benadryl and slept all the way back home.

Click here for pictures from this weekend.


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