Saturday, August 28, 2010

First week of classes

The first week of classes has come and gone.  This semester I'm taking the following:

MSE 2001
ISyE 3770 (Statistics)
HTS 2084 (my ethics requirement)
FREN 2001

To be honest, I was most worried about my French class because I didn't know how advanced some of the other people in the class would be.  I was SO nervous before the first class, but I think I'll be okay.  Some people took AP French in high school and have kept up with it some, so they are significantly better.  Nevertheless, if I keep up with the class like I have been so far I think I'll be just fine.  My other classes should be okay too.  MSE 2001 is a little weird because it is a distance learning class.  It was originally supposed to be a recorded class and not a live one, but on the first day of classes Josyanne (the academic director) told us that it would be a live class and we would have to report at 3 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  The two of us in the class that were at the meeting were severely disappointed and frankly pissed the fuck off because one of the perks of coming to GT Lorraine is that you get 3 day weekends every weekend and having class on a Friday afternoon defeats that.  Josyanne told us to email the professor and ask if the class could be a recorded one again since we need it to graduate and it conflicted with another one of my classes anyways.  He emailed back later that day and said that it should be fine to make it a recorded class.  I don't know if it will work well or not...he's been kind of weird and standoffish and borderline rude about some of my questions...we shall see.

I'm continuing to make some awesome friends.  I really like the hall where I live.  There are 8 GT students all grouped together on my hall and we keep our doors open and chat all the time (reminds me of freshman year).  Most, if not all of us are upperclassmen too which I think brings us closer too because we all know what it's like to be beaten down by Tech for a few years.  We also know how to work hard and play hard, which is the secret to success at Tech.

This weekend is the Mirabelle Festival and its been a lot of fun.  Pics and a blog entry will be dedicated to this later.



Rachel18 said...

Hi Julie,
Your time abroad sounds awesome so far. What's the use-it map? I've never heard of it and it sounds useful. Also, is it difficult to get around Europe with English?

I'd like to invite you to be a guest writer for, the first online community for women travelers.

Pink Pangea's goal is to make travel easier, safer, and more fulfilling for women of all ages. We are looking for adventurous and eloquent students who are studying abroad to document their experience, while discussing issues that are relevant to women travelers. It would be great if you could post about your experience in France, providing anecdotes and photos from your time abroad.

Hope to hear from you soon,

RyanM said...

I hope you dropped the MSE 2001 class...

Julie said...

I have to have it to graduate :( so I didn't. There are 2 other people in it and the professor taught here this past summer, so I think it will all pan out okay.